Laura Wins Again!!!

Laura scored 2 ribbons at the El Segundo Hometown Fair this year on May 3rd…..
She won the Blue Ribbon for “Cakes & Pies” and the Grand Prize Ribbon…

Blue Ribbon
Apple Dumplings w/Sour Cream Pastry

This recipe was recommended by our neighbor Marie (this is the second winning recipe she’s suggested!)
also found recipe at
Made like a cinnamon roll (pastry square, top with filling, roll up, slice, bake) with lots of thinly sliced apples with sugar/cinnamon/nutmeg in the filling.
It’s also got a brown sugar syrup that get poured over the dumplings and they bake in it, which creates yummy goo at the bottom of baking dish to spoon over finished dumplings. Best served warm, and is even better with ice cream. This one is pretty easy and I’ll definitely make it again

Grand Prize Ribbon
Momofuku Crack Pie

Found this recipe just roaming the internet (Pinterest) and it sounded good.
Start by baking a buttery sugary oatmeal cookie, and then destroy it to make the crust.
The filling is butter, egg yolks, dry milk powder, corn powder (from freeze dried corn), and sugar.
Oatmeal cookie crust with a rich, buttery, dense filling. I’ve been told the texture is a bit like Chess Pie, but I haven’t had Chess Pie so I can’t compare it.
recipe available at:
and there’s a very good step-by-step slide show here:
This recipe has several steps but isn’t difficult. Very rich – one pie will easily serve 12.

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